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Showing posts from June, 2020

The Vanilla Adventure Review

The Vanilla Adventure is a small book from Knight Owl Games that provides a setting for 1st level adventurers. I bought this book from Amazon. I found that books from Drivethrurpg and Lulu take too long to arrive where I live (Chile), so usually I prefer to buy stuff from Amazon or Bookdepository. Aside of LotFP catalog, few OSR books are available at that stores. So I was glad when I found this book. Written by Wind Lothamer, this is half adventure, half setting location. The players are going to move around various location at their will, as the adventure is presented as a sandbox. However, if players limit themselfes to explore and dont do something fast, the entire place (and probably the world) is goint to be reduced to ashes. While is a sandbox it has a clear beggining and end. Something interesting about the location presented (and something you would dislike) is familiarity. As the tittle suggest, this is a pretty vanilla fantasy adventure, but that doesnt mean is

Monks for Five Torches Deep

Five Torches Deep is a roleplaying game that mix the rules of D&D 5e and OSR games philosophies (my review is here ). Some thing that is left out from FTD is the monk class. I can totally see why it was not included, as the last thing I would imagine in a western fantasy setting is a wuxia monk. While it was introduced in an old school edition (OD&D's supplement Blackmoor), not much people actually played with them. High restrictions for a low HP fighter with some spells and skills made this class overlooked. However in 5e they are amazing. Multiple attacks and increased movement make them the perfect controllers in combat. My players are going to miss them from FTD. So, in order to experiment with FTD class system, the monk is the perfect guinea pig. FTD has classes and archtypes. Classes are what define your character, while archetypes are subclasses that offer some features and bonuses. The four classes and the 12 corresponding archetypes in FTD are: Warrior: Barbar